Wipro Paper held at I.S.I-CALCUTTA On 02/08/99
There are 20 questions . Each 3 marks. -1 for wrong answer.
1)How many NAND gates are required to implement an OR-gate?
ans 3
2)There is one Karnaugh map. asked to write the Boolean expresion.
ans is xyz'+xy'z+x'yz
3)They have given one D-flip flops circuit and asked to find the function.
ans is shift Register.
4)There are 16 address lines and the page size is .5Mbytes .Then Howmany pages are there in Virtual memory.
ans is 128
5) There are 3 Interupts .the processor takes 5ns to serve therequest.Interupt 11 takes 24.5ns High Priority 12 takes 13 takes 20ns Low Priority.What is the time range to complete the Interupt 13.
ans is 29.5 to 93.5
6) One question on 8085 address lines.
ans : 8 lines bidirection
7)One question on automata .Given the graph and asked to finnd the regular expression
ans: (aab+ba) (bab)*
10)Another question on automata. a/ba* indicates Ans: the strings which contains either one "a" or a " b" followed byzero or more "a" s.
11) One question on LR pass of compiler.
12) Binary equialent of 10.625
13) In which addressing mode Effective address is computed by adding a constant to a register.
ans: Indexed mode
14) Files (sequential)f1 ,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 are having100,200,70,40,250,50 Bytes respectively.In which order the access time is minimum if youare asked to get all the files.
16) -20) on c language mainly on pointers. his is the entire paper. The cut off mark is 25. They selected 16for Interiew and selected 7. They are asking O.sys ,Networks, data structures and giving c problemson pointers(How to reverse a linked list ..etc).
Wish u all the best.
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