wipro 2002(REC WARANGAL)
>1. Questions on prefix & postfix notation
>prob 1: (A+B)*C-(D+E)/f
>PROB2 : (A+B)*(C+D-E)
>3. Language which require compiler
>a) .. b).... sol : cobol
>4. Octal equivalent of (178)10 = 262
>5. No of layers in TCP/IP protocol sol: 5
>6. NO of binary digits to be grouped to obtain hex
>equivalent sol : 4
>7. main()
>extern int a;
>printf("%d", sizeof(a));
>a) 2 b) 4 c) compiler dependent d) error
> ans: d
>8. main()
>{ int x=40;
> { int x=20;
> printf("%d",x);
> }
>a) 40,20 b)20,40 c)error
>9. main()
>extern int i;
>int i = 20;
>a) error b)garbage value c)20
ans : c
>10. Unix is written in which language sol : c
>11. The data related to processes is stored in
>a) Registers
>b) process table
>d) file table
>12. Registers are used for
>a) data transfer
>b) data hold
>c) data receiving
>d) all
>13. Mnemonics into machine language
>a) Assembler
>b) compiler
>c) interpreter.
>and many questions from papers of rec surat and RIT
>There is no quanta.. only question of
>passage..,logical reasoning
>concentrate on gre baron's, CAT rather than R.S.
>sugar is sweet. Honey is sweet. sugar is honey.
>.......7 questions of this type.
>In shakespear novel they found ________________
>...........this question was repeated in all the 3
>sets with same answer set.
>Due to war ( something like that..) the country
>situation became______________
>a) unstable
>sol : c.
>Logic of some questions
> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is represented as 3 2 1 4 7 6 5 in
>one set.
> 7 1 6 2 5 3 4 in another set.
>example: october is represented as roecbto then
>january as __________
>In some arthematic '+' is represented as '-' etc..
>If d=1 i=2 c=3 like that .. then represent
On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 pooja lath wrote :
>wipro tech
>1. what does band signifies
>ans : it helps in data communnication line .
>{int i=400000;
>ans : -25000(approx.)
>3. main()
>a. hello b. error c. he d. llo ans :
>4. what does modem do ?
>ans : it connects the computer and telephone
>5. which needs a compiler
>ans : cobol
>6. question on register
>ans : sequence , instruction , decoder
>7. char ***p="hello"
>ans :
>8.how does the lan work
>a. satellite b. opical fibre c. telephone lines
>d. coaxial cables
>9. ques on binary to octal and octal to binary.
>10. random access storage area
>11. infix to postfix and vice versa
>12. pipe ques from unix
>13. language in which c was written
>ans. c
>14. where data is stored after calculation
>ans accumulator
>15.which of the following converts the mnemonics into
>m/c language
>ans : assembler
>R.I.T., Jamshedpur – 2002
>There were different question set with many common
>questions for each
>student. We have compiled as many as we could recall.
>15 questions – 15 mins.
>1. the binary number is converted into octal by
>grouping into
>a) Two digits
>b) Three digits
>c) Four digits
>d) None
>Ans: b
>2. interprocess communication is achieved through
>a) Pipes
>b) Semaphore
>c) Message passage
>d) Mutual exclusion
>Ans: c
>3. independent network can be connected through
>a) Bridge
>b) Gateway
>c) Router
>d) None
>Ans: c
>4. which of the following is not a non-impact printer
>a) Laser printer
>b) Inkjet printer
>c) Thermal printer
>d) Line printer
>Ans: d
>5. which of the following is randomly accessible?
>a) Magnetic disk
>b) Floppy
>c) Both a and b
>d) Punched cards
>Ans: c
>6. decimal equivalent of (110)2
>7. which statement(s) is/are true?
>some statements and definitions on binary tree
>8. which of the following is tool connector between
>user and computer?
>a) Compiler
>b) Interpreter
>c) Both
>d) None
>Ans: b
>9. binary tree is defined as
>some definitions
>10. a register where the result of arithmetic and
>logical operations
>are stored is
>a) ALU
>c) IR
>Ans: b
>11. what is the output of the program?
>struct a {
>char b[5];
>int c;
>float d;
>struct a e = {`j', `k', `l'};
>printf("%d %f", e.c, e.d);
>a) 0, 0.00
>b) garbage values
>c) error
>d) none
>12. what is the output of the program?
>float fun(float);
>float a=3.14, b;
>b = fun(a);
>printf("%f", b);
>float fun(float x)
>return (int)x;
>a) 3.14
>b) 3.00
>c) garbage values
>d) 0.00
>ans: b
>13. what is the output of the program?
>int fun(float);
>int a;
>a = fun(3.14);
>printf("%d", a);
>int fun(x)
>float x;
>return (int)x;
>a) 3.14
>b) 3
>c) garbage values
>d) 0.00
>ans: 3
>int arr[5]={2, 3};
>printf("%d%d%d", arr[2], arr[3], arr[5]);
>a) 0, 0, 0
>b) garbage values
>c) error
>d) 2, 3, 5
>ans: b
>15. asynchronous communication between two networks is
>done when
>networks are
>a) dependent
>b) independent
>c) both
>d) none
>ans: b
>16. the exponential representation of 0.00076 is
>a) 7.6 X 10-4
>b) 7.6 X 10-3
>c) 7.6 X 10-5
>d) none
>ans: a
>17. TCP/IP is
>four options
>ans: connection oriented
>30 questions in 25 mins. You need to be extremely
>Better prepare from Barron's GRE guide including
>English also.
>There were 10 reading comprehension, 10 fill in the
>blanks, 10
>logical questions including coding.
>Q. in come code language
>274 means "take red carpet"
>654 means "dust the carpet"
>234 means "roll red carpet"
>what is the code for `roll'?
>a) 2
>b) 3
>c) 4
>d) 6
>ans: b
>Q. in some code language "DEAR" is coded as "SEARD"
>and "CAT" is
>coded as "SATC", so how "SING" is coded?
>Ans: c
>Some questions were like:
>There are four sets of questions each consists of
>three sentences.
>Indicate the set(s) in which the last sentence
>logically completes
>the previous two:
>The sets were like:
>All farmers are poor. He is poor. He is farmer.
>All cats are dogs. Few dogs are foxes. Few cats are
>Some cashews are peanuts. All peanuts are walnuts.
>Some cashews are
>All dogs bark. The man is barking. He is a dog.
>Some honey is sugar. Some bees are sugar. So all bees
>are honey.
>All hats are red. Roses are red. All roses are hats.
>Coding example:
>(1) MONKEY => JLKHBV – go 3 letters back in the
>(2) DIG => AFD – the same as above
>and a few more……..
>Comprehensions: Questions asked are completely in
>relation to the
>passage. Sometimes may not make sense.
>I remember part of it:-
>Temporary employment has increased in Britain by 70%.
>This dry state
>of statistics represents (or something the same
>meaning) the "wind of
>change blowing over Britain." This is because of
>(globalization, etc.)
>Q. what is the wind of change blowing over Britain?
>4 options.
>There were two interviews after the online test – a
>technical one and
>another HR.
>In the tech. interview people were asked mostly on
>c/c++ (be serious
>about pointers), your favourite subjects, data
>structures (no matter
>whatever branch u r in), Bluetooth, embedded systems,
>Dear friend, do expect some surprise in their
>selection as they
>shortlisted just 7 students of whom 6 were unexpected.
>students were 82 from three branches (ELE, ECE, CSE).
>They selected
>only two (1 each from ECE & ELE), the expected one and
>one of the
>unexpected heroes (in fact she was a heroine with
>features). They were the day-1 company in our college.
>So be carefull.
>Wish u all the very best,
>Hello Friends ,
>I am ending you the paper of wiproWipro
>R.I.T., Jamshedpur - 2002
>There were different question set with many common
>questions for each student. We have compiled as many
>as we could recall.
>15 questions - 15 mins.
>1. the binary number is converted into octal by
>grouping into
>a) Two digits
>b) Three digits
>c) Four digits
>d) None
>Ans: b
>2. interprocess communication is achieved through
>a) Pipes
>b) Semaphore
>c) Message passage
>d) Mutual exclusion
>Ans: c
>3. independent network can be connected through
>a) Bridge
>b) Gateway
>c) Router
>d) None
>Ans: c
>4. which of the following is not a non-impact printer
>a) Laser printer
>b) Inkjet printer
>c) Thermal printer
>d) Line printer
>Ans: d
>5. which of the following is randomly accessible?
>a) Magnetic disk
>b) Floppy
>c) Both a and b
>d) Punched cards
>Ans: c
>6. decimal equivalent of (110)2
>7. which statement(s) is/are true?
>some statements and definitions on binary tree
>8. which of the following is tool connector between
>user and computer?
>a) Compiler
>b) Interpreter
>c) Both
>d) None
>Ans: b
>9. binary tree is defined as
>some definitions
>10. a register where the result of arithmetic and
>logical operations are stored is
>a) ALU
>c) IR
>Ans: b
>11. what is the output of the program?
>struct a {
>char b[5];
>int c;
>float d;
>struct a e = {'j', 'k', 'l'};
>printf("%d %f", e.c, e.d);
>a) 0, 0.00
>b) garbage values
>c) error
>d) none
>12. what is the output of the program?
>float fun(float);
>float a=3.14, b;
>b = fun(a);
>printf("%f", b);
>float fun(float x)
>return (int)x;
>a) 3.14
>b) 3.00
>c) garbage values
>d) 0.00
>ans: b
>13. what is the output of the program?
>int fun(float);
>int a;
>a = fun(3.14);
>printf("%d", a);
>int fun(x)
>float x;
>return (int)x;
>a) 3.14
>b) 3
>c) garbage values
>d) 0.00
>ans: 3
>int arr[5]={2, 3};
>printf("%d%d%d", arr[2], arr[3], arr[5]);
>a) 0, 0, 0
>b) garbage values
>c) error
>d) 2, 3, 5
>ans: b
>15. asynchronous communication between two networks is
>done when networks are
>a) dependent
>b) independent
>c) both
>d) none
>ans: b
>16. the exponential representation of 0.00076 is
>a) 7.6 X 10-4
>b) 7.6 X 10-3
>c) 7.6 X 10-5
>d) none
>ans: a
>17. TCP/IP is
>four options
>ans: connection oriented
>int ***p=100;
>a) 40000
>b) 1
>c) 0
>d)none of these
>ans d.
>19) main()
>a) he llo
>b) he
>d) error
>ans c
>int p=400001;
>d)none of these
>ans d
>21) What is the function of datapro?
>22)Modem links between…
>23) Instruction executed by……….. resister
>30 questions in 25 mins. You need to be extremely
>Better prepare from Barron's GRE guide including
>English also.this also varies from set to set
>There were 10 reading comprehension, 10 fill in the
>blanks, 10 logical questions including coding.
>Q. in come code language
>274 means "take red carpet"
>654 means "dust the carpet"
>234 means "roll red carpet"
>what is the code for 'roll'?
>a) 2
>b) 3
>c) 4
>d) 6
>ans: b
>Q. in some code language "DEAR" is coded as "SEARD"
>and "CAT" is coded as "SATC", so how "SING" is coded?
>Ans: c
>Some questions were like:
>There are four sets of questions each consists of
>three sentences. Indicate the set(s) in which the last
>sentence logically completes the previous two:
>The sets were like:
>All farmers are poor. He is poor. He is farmer.
>All cats are dogs. Few dogs are foxes. Few cats are
>Some cashews are peanuts. All peanuts are walnuts.
>Some cashews are walnuts.
>All dogs bark. The man is barking. He is a dog.
>Some honey is sugar. Some bees are sugar. So all bees
>are honey.
>All hats are red. Roses are red. All roses are hats.
>Coding example:
>(1) MONKEY => JLKHBV - go 3 letters back in the
>(2) DIG => AFD - the same as above
>and a few more……..
>Comprehensions: Questions asked are completely in
>relation to the passage. Sometimes may not make sense.
>I remember part of it:-
>Temporary employment has increased in Britain by 70%.
>This dry state of statistics represents (or something
>the same meaning) the "wind of change blowing over
>Britain." This is because of
>liberalization….(globalization, etc.)
>Q. what is the wind of change blowing over Britain?
>4 options.
>Q.There are six sentences ..select a group of 3
>sentences so that one can be defined by remaining two…
>A.All philosophers are thinker
>B.All thinkers are not philosophers
>C.Ram is a thinker
>D.Ram is not a philosopher.
>E.Shyam is a philosopher.
>F.Shyam is a thinker.
>1)BCD 2)AEF 3)CAD 4)BCE
>There were two interviews after the online test - a
>technical one and another HR.
>In the tech. interview people were asked mostly on
>c/c++ (be serious about pointers), your favourite
>subjects, data structures (no matter whatever branch u
>r in), Bluetooth, embedded systems, etc.
>Dear friend, do expect some surprise in their
>selection as they shortlisted just 7 students of whom
>6 were unexpected. Eligible students were 82 from
>three branches (ELE, ECE, CSE). They selected only two
>(1 each from ECE & ELE), the expected one and one of
>the unexpected heroes (in fact she was a heroine with
>sensational features). They were the day-1 company in
>our college. So be carefull.
>Wish u all the very best,
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